
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Microphilanthropy is a model of philanthropy that is based on smaller,
more direct interaction between "helpers" and "doers." Because of this
finer level of granularity, it provides greater potential for feedback.
It uses the definition of philanthropy as "love of humanity", which is
broader than just charity or donating money. This opens up a broader
range of activities such as volunteering, emergency response activities,
mentoring, and many other patterns of uplift. - Wikipedia

Monday, December 27, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Good morning. I just read an online article about Carlos Garcia, a dubbed "microphilanthropist" who pledged to give to charity EVERY DAY for a year. Good for him. What a great idea. Well, I liked his idea so much, I set up this blog - My Daily Bread - that hopefully will log and report on my daily givings in a similar way. So often we give when it feels good to give (like this time of year - i.e. by Dec 31 so that we can claim a deduction on our taxes next year). Like Carlos, this isn't meant to be self-promoting, but will hopefully inspire others to give back through their Treasure ($), Talent, or Time. Wish me luck on this my New Year's resolution...